I 'hold space' for individuals, groups, organizations, businesses, school bodies, governance bodies, etc. to participate in meaningful speaking & respectful listening around what matters most to them. I invest my skills, experience & heart creating a more contained & sacred space for heightened awareness & listening, the discovery of wisdom (individual & collective), meaning-making, heart-led communication, transformation, and healing.
I offer a unique understanding & experience of Circle drawing from the wisdom of bees and beekeeping, and empower others to embody CIrcle's values, skills, and practices - in the the work that they do and in the lives that they live. Through Circle (and with bees), I work to change the way we are being to a more community way of being - where we can take better care of all beings. My design Circlebee is exceptional for (and not limited to): Narrative Healing, Courage-Building, Community Nurturing, and Environmental Education purposes.
I hold space for celebration, meaning-making, and heart-led communication around significant life events including birth, marriage, death. I bring light, love, gratitude & joy - - with Circle rituals, practices & values - - to your blessed, sacred, monumental events.